Vol 10, No 2 (2024)

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Water-electrolyte metabolism and renal function under action of hyperbaric factors

Shitov A.Y., Zverev D.P., Myasnikov A.A., Klenkov I.R., Andrusenko A.N., Israfilov Z.M., Kolchanov S.P.


INTRODUCTION. Numerous studies in the field of hyperbaric physiology and diving medicine note changes in the water-electrolyte metabolism as well as renal function of men and animals in conditions of high pressure of gas and water environments. Despite undeniable water part in the process of body saturation-desaturation from indifferent gas as well as in processes of maintaining osmotic homeostasis, the role of water-electrolyte metabolism and renal functions in adaptation processes to hyperbaric conditions remains under-researched.

OBJECTIVE. To determine mechanisms and patterns of changes in the water-electrolyte metabolism and renal functions under the action of hyperbaric factors.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. Review work of scientometric databases was conducted: eLibrary.ru, RSCI, Scopus, PubMed, Cochrane, Google Scholar, www.academickeys.com, Ulrichsweb, www.research4life.org, www.lens.org, www.cabi.org, rucont.ru, www.ebsco.com, www.mendeley.com, OpenCitations.net, unpaywall.org, xueshu.baidu.com, www.wikidata.org, na.neicon.ru, keepers.issn.org. the search was done by keywords and phrases in Russian and English: a diver, water-electrolyte metabolism, excretory system, renal functions, diuresis, kidney, nitrogen toxic effect, hyperoxia, hypoxia, decompression sickness, oxygen toxic effect. 155 literary sources of 1975–2023 were analyzed, 53 works of which were included in the review, met the criteria for inclusion and exclusion. In this case, at least 80 % of works, included in the review, have been published for the past 10 years.

RESULTS. Most analyzed works contain information on an increase in diuresis in most subjects in the course of diving. Apart from it, there is an increase in the excretion of sodium and potassium in the urine, correlated with the amount of urine produced. Hypernatremia and an increase in tissue hydration are often revealed in the hyperbaric conditions, cause by oxygen toxic effect, supersaturation of body tissues with indifferent gases and nitrogen toxic effect. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and its main component aldosterone play a key role in changes of the water-electrolyte metabolism in the hyperbaric conditions. The role of antidiuretic hormone is interesting because a lot of “non-classical” effects are uncovered in it that could be manifested in hyperbaric conditions and have never been associated with the action of high pressure on the regulation of the water-electrolyte metabolism.

DISCUSSION. Staying in conditions of increased pressure of the gas and water environment is subject to numerous and sometimes divergent changes in the water-electrolyte metabolism and renal functions. The loss of water and electrolytes by the body, recorded by bioimpendance methods in the course of hyperbaric factors, might result in dehydration. This, in turn, can increase the risk of developing specific divers’ disease, primarily such as decompression sickness. The studied literature does not provide clear guidelines on water-electrolyte balance correction in divers. Some works present data showing the possibility and usefulness of liquid intake (drinks) or pharmacological drugs, affecting divers’ water-electrolyte metabolism.

CONCLUSION. Analysis of literature data shows that specific changes of water-electrolyte metabolism and functions of excretory system emerge in the conditions of hyperbaric factors. In most subjects, these changes involve increased diuresis, hypernatremia and reduced tissue hydration. In cases where the effect of the adverse hyperbaric factor led to the development of pathological changes, tissue hyperhydration and increasing concentration of potassium in the blood as well as reduction of sodium in the urine were observed. This could indicate the possibility of forming the specific phenomenon “pressure diuresis” in hyperbaric conditions. All changes, occurring in the body under the action of hyperbaric factors, should be considered in terms of individual resistance to these factors and primarily to decompression sickness. Studies of divers’ water-electrolyte metabolism and renal function in the conditions of adverse hyperbaric factors are relevant with a view to developing the system of correction measures and prevention of the revealed violations.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):7-20
pages 7-20 views

Analysis of organizational capability of NATO naval forces in Arctic

Kupriyanov S.A., Chernikov O.G., Mavrenkov E.M., Emelianov Y.A.


INTRODUCTION. The article reviews features of provision, force composition and capabilities, medical support, options for medical evacuation measures of NATO Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) in the Arctic region, in the Arctic theater of operations.

OBJECTIVE. To analyze the model force structure and medical support of NATO CMF in the Arctic region, ability to carry out medical evacuation measures in the conduct of hostilities.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. There was analysis of Russian and foreign sources for 2013–2023, characterizing the provision of medical support of NATO CMF in the Arctic, including the use of eLIBRARY and PubMed scientometric databases. The search was conducted for the keywords: maritime medicine, Arctic, medical service, medical evacuation measures, NATO Combined Maritime Forces, US Navy, warships, hospital ships, NATO medical doctrine.

RESULTS. Analysis of available literature sources allowed to determine a probable plan of the provision of medical support of NATO CMF, which is caused by capabilities of the forces and means of medical support with an increasing complex of medical evacuation measures, performed at every level of medical assistance.

DISCUSSION. The provision of medical support of NATO CMF in the conduct of hostilities in the Arctic will be built on the principle of in-depth medical care and compliance with its levels, while there will be interaction of medical services of the coalition group with the Norwegian system of civil healthcare. It is envisaged that escalation of medical service of the naval group will be at the expense of medical service reinforcement teams and hospital; ships.

CONCLUSION. The existing system of NATO CMF medical support can pursue the mission of the armed forces (troops) with the present capability package in joint maritime operations in the Arctic theater of military action.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):21-32
pages 21-32 views

Bioinformatic search for genetic markers of systemic manifestation of person’s inclination to agressive, suicidal and addictive behavior

Shatyr Y.A., Mulik A.B., Trandina A.E., Buntovskaya A.S., Glushakov R.I.


INTRODUCTION. A person’s tendency to deviant behavior is to a large extent genetically determined and persists through life. Aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior forms the basis of social and criminal tension in the society that justifies the need for further study of their genetic etiology.

OBJECTIVE. Virtual screening of most likely genes and their polymorphisms with a systemic impact on forming aggressiveness, suicidality and a person’s inclination to chemical addictions.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. NCBI, PubMed Central (National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine, USA), PDB (Program database), KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes), dbSNP (National Center for Biotechnology Information, USA), eLIBRARY open databases were used. The following search queries were applied: genetics of aggressive behavior; genetics of suicidal behavior; genetics of addictive behavior; genetic basis of risk-taking behavior. 834 publications were analyzed. There was virtual screening of genes and their polymorphisms, associated with phenotypic traits of the aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior.

RESULTS. The bioinformatic analysis revealed a number of polymorphisms, systemically related to a person’s predisposition to form aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior: rs1800497 (DRD2), rs6280 (DRD3), rs1851048 (CACNAD3-1), rs 6777055 (CACNA2D3-2), rs4680 (COMT), rs2562456 (ZNF-LD).

DISCUSSION. According to the analysis of the potential role of the selected single nucleotide polymorphisms in forming phenotypic prerequisites of a person’s systemic inclination to aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior, genotypes of the studied SNP were characterized by the presence and nature of their effect on the studied vectors of deviant behavior.

CONCLUSION. There are systemized characteristics of genes, polymorphisms and relevant genotypes, associated with phenotypic and behavioral risks of aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior. There is a developed look-up table, reflecting in detail the connection between genotypes of the selected polymorphisms, the presence and their effect on the studied vectors of deviant behavior.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):33-44
pages 33-44 views

Crossover studies in medicine and public health

Kholmatova K.K., Gorbatova M.A., Kharkova O.A., Grjibovski A.M.


In this paper we present an overview of the design of crossover study, as well as its special variant, the case-crossover study, which refers to hybrid studies. The methodological features of these research designs are outlined. Main research questions that can be addressed using these study designs and the possibilities of interpreting the information received are presented. Strengths and limitations of these study designs will be described in detail. Examples of cross-sectional studies in the medical literature are presented and analyzed.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):45-57
pages 45-57 views

Air embolism. Prerogative of diving physician, medical casuistry or problem that “does not exist”?

Logunov A.T., Mosyagin I.G., Stroy A.V., Pavlov N.B., Amirov R.R., Palikov V.A., Murashev A.N., Kuznetsova T.E., Baranov V.M.


OBJECTIVE. To shift the focus of practitioners’ attention to pathogenetic role of intravascular gas bubbles, which likelihood is high with wounded kidney, hollow veins and venous sinuses of the brain as well as with pressure drops, occurring in case of shockwaves, exposed to the body.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. There was analysis of literature, published from 1957 to the present and being in the public domain in the State Central Scientific Medical Library, Scientific Electronic Library “CyberLeninka”, Scientific Library of IMBP RAS, electronic databases of RSCI and PubMed. Search keywords: air embolism, mine-blast trauma. 58 articles have been analyzed.

RESULTS. Air embolism is often associated with diving medicine only. Nevertheless, there are severe (and fatal) manifestations of gas bubbles in the vascular bed in surgical practice, military medicine and clinic of internal diseases, and this cannot be ignored. Given that in blast trauma, in a number of neurosurgical, trauma operations, in anesthetic practice, in the use of AVL, and in other areas of medicine there are often situations, creating conditions for the emergence of free gas in the systemic circulation, methods of barotherapy may be demanded much more frequently than in decompression sickness. Hyperbaric physiology and diving medicine are engaged in ensuring functions of the body in a changed gaseous medium and in providing a set of measures to prevent critical states while leaving it. Also, the prerogative in this field is to use the physical properties of a changed respiratory gaseous medium under different pressure, temperature and combination of components in the treatment process.

DISCUSSION. According to the authors of the review, it is essential to work towards developing practitioners’ knowledge (especially, surgeons, anesthesiologists and resuscitators) of gas embolism and methods of barotherapy, expanding the area of surgery, anesthesiology and resuscitation, hyperbaric physiology and diving medicine to treat gas embolism of various etiologies.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):58-68
pages 58-68 views

Original articles

Seasonal dynamics of physiological parameters in different social groups of young men in the European North: somparative study

Loginova T.P., Bayrhayev A.B., Tukavkina V.N., Bojko S.G., Boyko E.R.


INTRODUCTION. Contrast seasonal changes of the North exogenous natural factors cause significant restructuring in the human body despite the fact that the effect of social factors may greatly modify adaptation processes.

OBJECTIVE. To determine features of seasonal changes in physiological parameters in 2 groups of young men (military personnel and students) in the European North.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ. The study involved 2 groups of men-northerners, living in Syktyvkar during the survey period (62о N latitude): conscripts (n = 19) and university students (n = 16). The study was conducted for over a year: in January, April, July and October: anthropometric measures, arterial pressure and heart rate variability (RV) were recorded.

RESULTS. All the examined experienced an increase in body weight and body mass index in the cold season, more pronounced in October. An increase in diastolic pressure was also noted in autumn. Heart rate variability in the examined had different seasonal dynamics.

DISCUSSION. The study found that if regarding mass index, fat mass and body mass index, the examined young men had similar dynamics, however, arterial pressure and heart rate variability differ between groups both at a basic level and in seasonal dynamics.

CONCLUSION. In the European North young men experience seasonal rate changes, which dynamics have been different in the studied groups. Long daily exposure to the open air cause mor pronounced signs of vagotonia in conscripts.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):69-76
pages 69-76 views

Concomitant diseases and their role in the development and course of a new coronavirus infection in patients with rheumatic diseases: оriginal research

Vakhlevskiy V.V., Tyrenko V.V.


OBJECTIVE. To study the features of the clinical course of rheumatic diseases affecting the risk of occurrence and course of a new coronavirus infection.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. An examination of 233 persons of both sexes with various immuno-inflammatory rheumatic diseases who were hospitalized in the clinic of faculty therapy of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, which included: rheumatoid arthritis (n=78, 33.5%), ankylosing spondylitis (n = 114; 48.9%), psoriatic arthritis (n=28.12%), systemic lupus erythematosus (n=13, 5.6%). An informed consent to participate in the study was signed with each of them. Patients who met the inclusion criteria were divided into 2 groups: the 1st group of patients, including immuno-inflammatory rheumatic diseases with a predominantly autoinflammatory mechanism; the 2nd group of patients, including IIRS with a predominantly autoimmune mechanism. The examination of patients with rheumatic diseases was carried out in accordance with the current clinical recommendations for each nosological form. Laboratory and instrumental studies were carried out in a certified laboratory and diagnostic departments of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov.

RESULTS. Statistically significant differences were obtained as risk factors for the development of a new coronavirus infection in patients with spondyloarthritis with lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (2 mmol/l), DAPSA activity index (2 points), enalapril intake (p = 0.013; 95 % CI: 1.568 – 25.374) and secukinumab use (p = 0.024; 95% CI: 1,120 – 8,236). Risk factors for COVID-19 in patients with autoimmune diseases include: low levels of aspartate aminotransferase (16 IU/l), taking losartan (p = 0.024; 95% CI: 1,351 – 47.374) and using tocilizumab (p = 0.037; 95% CI: 1,128 – 117.238).

DISCUSSION. The relationship of these factors to the risk of developing a new coronavirus infection is associated not only with the manifestation of the activity of the underlying rheumatic disease (a lower AST level is characteristic, for example, of low SLE activity), but also with the effect on the inflammatory process itself — as a protective and adaptive reaction of the body to the invasion of a foreign agent. Inflammation and the severity of the inflammatory reaction not only affect the risk of new coronavirus infection, but also the course of this infection. Thus, lower activity in ankylosing spondylitis according to the ASDAS index (less than 2 points), rheumatoid arthritis according to the DAS28 index (less than 3 points) was associated with a more severe course of new coronavirus infection. The same pattern was observed with respect to the period from the date of administration of genetically engineered biological drugs to the date of the first symptoms of new coronavirus infection (the smaller it is, the more severe the infectious process was).

CONCLUSION. Our study demonstrated that the risk of developing a new coronavirus infection is associated with lower LDL, AST, DAPSA activity index, enalapril intake, losartan, using secukinum, tocilizumab. The activity of AS according to the ASDAS index (less than 2 points), RA according to the DAS28 index (less than 3 points), as well as the duration of the interval between the date of administration of immunosuppressive drugs and the appearance of the first symptoms of a new coronavirus infection (less than 6 days) were accompanied by a more severe course of a new coronavirus infection. Treatment of concomitant cardiovascular diseases is an additional factor contributing to a decrease in the activity of rheumatic disease. Taking drugs such as enalapril, lisinopril, bisoprolol and veroshpiron in patients with low IIRD activity in the first week of the disease may be associated with an increased risk of a more severe course of a new coronavirus infection.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):77-89
pages 77-89 views

Role of multispiral computed tomography in evaluating diagnostic data of patients with shock-producing trauma: open prospective cohort clinical study

Girsh A.O., Chernenko S.V., Stukanov M.M., Papulov V.G., Eselevich R.V., Rudakov D.A., Rumyantsev V.N., Khasbulatov S.M.


OBJECTIVE. Evaluate thoroughness of diagnostic methods of identifying damage in patients with severe traumatic shock and determine the time of their admission to the operating room since the moment they have been taken to hospital.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. There was an open prospective cohort clinical study of 183 affected, taken to the budgetary health care institution of the Omsk region since 2016 to 2022 and divided into three groups, depending on the severity of traumatic shock. Each group was split into two subgroups based on the method of identifying damage. In all the affected of subgroups 1 damage was recognized, using a combination of abdominal ultrasound examination and polypositional X-ray of body segments. Current damage of all the affected of subgroup 2 was diagnosed by multispiral computed tomography (MSCT). Thoroughness of applied diagnostic methods of identifying damage was checked by sensitivity, specificity, method value, positive predictive value as well as negative results.

RESULTS. The findings show that MSCT is the key diagnostic method of identifying damage in patients with traumatic shock of different. This method of diagnosing damage in patients with traumatic shock of different severity seems not only to be highly sensitive, but also to have low incidence of false positives with a significant predictive value of positive and a low one of negative results regarding an alternative way of recognition.

DISCUSSION. MSCT plays a crucial role in expediting the decision-making process on strategies and tactics of surgical treatment in patients with traumatic shock. It reduces the risk of developing multiple organ failure and deaths due to rapid and accurate diagnosis of internal injuries. The technical characteristics of this research method allow to obtain detailed images of organs and systems in a short time, which greatly increases the chance of successful treatment. This diagnostic method is especially valuable for its ability to estimate the amount of blood loss non-invasively and informatively and to accurately localize damage, which is critical for determining an optimal strategy for surgical intervention and intensive therapy.

CONCLUSIONS. The use of MSCT method for the diagnosis of identifying damage in patients with severe traumatic shock is crucial and justified due to its high informative relevance for a logical implementation of strategies and tactics of surgical treatment. The use of MSCT method in patients with severe traumatic shock contributes to a significantly more rapid start of patients’ treatment in comparison with the diagnostic method of identifying damage, based on data X-ray and ultrasound scan.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):90-98
pages 90-98 views

Risk propensity in cadets of aviation and medical specialties: retrospective study

Smagina E.E., Kuznetsova E.V.


INTRODUCTION. The attitude towards risk is changing in the modern conditions of the world. Propensity to take risk is not only a negative factor in professional activities. Professions, in which a person puts their health and life at risk, refer to extreme activities, where propensity to take risk is a forced necessity to save the life and health of other people. In the military field risk propensity is an important professional quality, which plays a key role in carrying out professional activities. However, the expression of this quality needs to be different in various fields of military labor.

OBJECTIVE. Study the risk level in aviation specialists and doctors.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study involved 279 cadets (151 аaviation specialists and 128 doctors), surveyed, using the questionnaire “Risk propensity study” by А. G. Shmelev. Statistics. Statistical processing of the received data was conducted by program Statistica 10,0, using the Mann-Whitney, Shapiro–Wilk test, descriptive statistics.

RESULTS. It was found that the level of risk propensity in aviation specialists differs statistically significantly (при p < 0,001) from doctors’ level. This fact could be due to different specifics of servicemen’ work as different professions require different professionally important qualities.

DISCUSSION. Analysis of the data has revealed that risk propensity is more common for aviation specialists than doctors: the differences are more prominent in clusters, related to a game, gambling, the maintenance of social status, shopping, attitude towards thrill and boredom.

CONCLUSION. The level of risk propensity among aviation specialists differs significantly from doctors‘ level. This fact could be due to different specifics of servicemen’ work as different professions require different professionally important qualities.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):99-104
pages 99-104 views

Optimization of treating patients with chronic mixed cochleovestibular syndrome: descriptive study

Mironov V.G., Babenkova I.G., Mironov I.V.


OBJECTIVE. Study objective and subjective indicators of the auditory and vestibular functions of patients with mixed cochleovestibular syndrome before, during and after therapy. Based on the data obtained, optimize approaches to treat patients with this pathology.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. 842 patients were examined with the diagnosis: mixed cochleovestibular syndrome, the mean age of the examined group is 52. The duration of the disease was from 1 to 4 years. A comprehensive examination of patients was carried out проводили at key points of the study (inpatient: before initiation of drug therapy, in the middle and at the end of treatment course, and also outpatient monthly for 6 months.

RESULTS. Computer videonystagmography measures were the most sensitive and objective diagnostic method in this category of patients. Based on computer videonystagmography, data evaluation reveals the following patterns: by the main values, most changes are determined before therapy (point 1); during drug therapy (point 2, 3) videonystagmography values are almost unchanged, coinciding at point1; reduced imbalance in the vestibular system response is observed at points 4, 5 (the 3rd and 4th months of monitoring); at point 6 (the 6th month) there are recorded changes in some values, which speak of onset of the disease exacerbation. When assessing other values (tonal threshold audiometry, vestibular passport, etc.) the findings of study methods were not sensitive to changes.

DISCUSSION. The evaluation of clinical guidelines did not find the optimal scheme of treating this pathology. We recommend treatment, which includes a comprehensive approach, consisting of a two-week course of parenteral drug injections (based on etiological reasons for the development of the pathological process) with physiotherapeutic procedures and vestibular rehabilitation measures, included in the treatment regimen. The repeated course of supportive therapy is recommended 6 months after the course of primary treatment.

CONCLUSION. The study has given and proven the optimal scheme of therapeutic measures and periods of preventive treatment. The recommended algorithm of guiding patients with mixed cochleovestibular syndrome will help to avoid the progression of the disease, achieve stable remission, to prevent complications and disability of patients. This strategy is also more economically beneficial.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):105-116
pages 105-116 views

Vallues-based attitudes of maladjusted cadets: retrospective study

Yatmanov A.N., Martirosyan A.M., Arustamyan M.A., Fedorov E.V.


OBJECTIVE. Study values-based attitudes of maladjusted cadets.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study involved 708 cadets of the Naval Polytechnic Institute of the Military Training and Research Centre of Navy “Naval Academy”, 48 of which having signs of psychological maladjustment. The survey was carried out using the techniques of “Semantic differential”. In order to group concepts in different semantic fields, factor analysis was applied by the method of principle components, using Varimax normalized.

RESULTS. The “military service” factor explains the greatest variability in cadets. It takes the second place in maladjusted cadets. For instance, the factor of “personal values” takes the first place in the maladjusted group, being on the 3rd place in cadets. “Delinquency” factor in on the 2nd place in cadets, being on the 4th one in the maladjusted. “Addiction” isolated factor is on the 3rd place in cadets with maladjustment. “Risk” isolated factor ranks 4th in cadets. Thus, it can be assumed that cadets with maladjustment have not found themselves in a military university due to their personal characteristics. Humanistic impulses are more important for them, while other cadets are more mundane, inclined to function in a strictly regulated team, which does not exclude some moments of injustice.

DISCUSSION. Other authors point to the importance of studying value orientations in servicemen, as they act as psychological and pedagogical entities, constituting a hierarchical system, existing in the personality structure as its elements and performing regulatory and control functions. The role of the regulatory function of individual’s value orientations is the impact on all the system levels of human activity motivators. In modern conditions the overall level of the military professional orientation points to the balance of cadets with both the formed value-motivational structure of personality and a largely unformed one, as well as to a contradictory functioning of the process of forming the value-motivational structure of the serviceman personality that determines the need for focused work to form the cadet personality and further – the officer one.

CONCLUSION. Personal values and motivation are an important element in cadets‘ professional development. It is necessary to continue studing cadets‘ value orientations and motivation, dynamics of their development in the process oft he professional formation, developing or choosing an ideal psychodiagnostic tool and introducing in practical work within the framework of cadets‘ medico-psychological support курсантов.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):117-124
pages 117-124 views

Short communications

Improvement of training activities of expert divers in Russian Federation

Muntyan I.M., Fedotkina S.A.


Ocean management takes place in research, experimental and industrial directions, which define the basic principles of training specialist, working as divers in the underwater environmental condition. There are problems of enrolment in educational institutions, which provide training in the diving specialty, associated with a small number of applicants and their poor health status, that poses new challenges for maritime medicine. Taking into account modern realities, there is need to optimize models of divers’ selection.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(2):125-128
pages 125-128 views